Thursday, November 28, 2019
Flag Desecration and Fighting Words free essay sample
Analysis of flag desecration as symbolic speech including symbolic speech and the first amendment; symbolic speech and fighting words and the landmark decision of Texas V. Johnson. This paper provides a thorough analysis of the landmark case involving flag desecration, Texas V. Johnson, and the idea of flag desecration as fighting words. In order to argue for the recognition of flag desecration as fighting words, which are federally recognized elements of speech that by their very utterance incite a breech of the peace, the author first makes a clear and concise argument for flag desecration as symbolic speech. In 1892, New York Baptist minister, Francis Bellamy wrote a few heartfelt words into his prayer book. The short prayer was to express his appreciation of the freedoms provided for in his beloved country, America. Today we know that short prayer to be the Pledge of Allegiance. For more than one hundred years, American school children, new American citizens and men and women of the military have recited the patriotic prayer to show their loyalty to America. We will write a custom essay sample on Flag Desecration and Fighting Words or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And although the recitors of the pledge face an American flag, the pledge is not of allegiance to the flag, but to the United States of America. In fact, Bellamy wrote that while thinking of the pledge his emphasis was on the republic for which it stands. (Baer) We may further understand that the republic by his definition, is synonymous with America.
European Union Law Coursework free essay sample
Below are the instructions for the completion and submission of the coursework as well as for receiving feedback. These are also available on Accessed (in the folder assignments). I. Coursework instructions Answer the following question: It follows that the evolutionary nature of the doctrine of supremacy is necessarily bi-dimensional. One dimension is the elaboration of the parameters of the doctrine by the European Court But its full reception, the second dimension, depends on its incorporation into the constitutional orders of the Member States and its affirmation by their supreme courts.Joseph Weller, The Community System: the Dual Character of Supranational (1981) ) Yearbook of European Law 267-306. With reference to case-law, and to the current situation in at least two Member States, explain and critically analyses this statement. What implications would the Member States reluctance to incorporate the doctrine of supremacy into their constitutional orders have for the consistency and effectiveness of EX. We will write a custom essay sample on European Union Law: Coursework or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page law? Maximum word limit: 2500 words. The bibliography and footnotes do not count as part of the maximum page limit. Ii. Assessment criteria:The marking criteria are included in Studying Law at Kingston and are available on Accessed (in assignments). In accordance with these criteria, the following factors will be taken into account in awarding a mark for this coursework: understanding of the legal principles and issues involved depth and breadth of knowledge and intellectual understanding ability to review critically the legal position, (where appropriate) depth and breadth of research citation of authorities and materials presentation iii. Plagiarism: Please note the University policy on plagiarism, and ensure that the work is original work that is entirely your own.Copying or allowing someone else to copy your work is cheating and you will be subject to the University disciplinary regulations. The best way to avoid academic misconduct or plagiarism is to use your own words, do not cut and paste from other work, and to ensure that you reference properly the sources you have used in your assignment. Please note all assignments are automatically submitted to the Turning plagiarism detection software -? the video on the following link is an approachable session on how to avoid plagiarism: http://www. Output. Mom/ Havilland iv. Referencing: Referencing is essential for good academic writing. Please ensure you read the relevant section in your Studying Law at Kingston that refers you to the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (COLOSSAL), available online at: http://www. Law. Ox. AC. UK/published/COLOSSAL_4th_Eden. PDF Through the following link you can complete a referencing tutorial produced by Cardiff University HTTPS://liar. CB. AC. UK/satisfactoriness/colossal/tutorial/ All materials consulted in writing your essay should be included in the bibliography.The bibliography and footnotes do not count as part of the maximum page limit. V. BLABS: BLABS is a service offering students at all levels one to one help and advice on the academic skills needed to produce their written coursework. Information on this is available in the online version of the handbook (available on Accessed in the folder information). Vi. Submitting your work and receiving feedback: February 2014. Submission should be made ELECTRONICALLY ONLY to the Please note that computer failure is not an excuse for missing a coursework deadline. LEAVE ENOUGH TIME TO ALLOW FOR COMPUTER PROBLEMS.Remember to always keep a back-up of your assignment, and your working documents, just in case of problems. If you are unable to submit to Turn tin due to technical problems, please email the assignment, by the deadline, to the course administrator, who will upload it to the system for you. Please only use this option if there are genuine problems with the system, not as a default our administrators will be checking whether there have been gene nine problems with the systems and can refuse to accept email versions. The Faculty of Business Law operates a paperless system for the majority of assignments. This has many advantages, particularly for students, and means you can submit your assignment and access your feedback online. All coursework assignments must be submitted to the correct module Assignment box on Accessed before the deadline in your module guide. Assignments should be submitted in Word, Workforce, HTML or PDF unless you are told otherwise. Do not write your name on the assignment as most of our courses use anonymous marking, facilitated by the Turning system. These paperless assignments will be marked online and you will receive dieback online through the Turning Assignment system.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The Radicalism of the American Revolution vs. the French Rev essays
The Radicalism of the American Revolution vs. the French Rev essays It is indeed true that our Revolution was strikingly unlike that of France, and that most of those who originated it had no other than political programme. The American and French Revolutions were both bourgeois revolutions fought under the banner of the rights of man-individual liberty, equality before the law, opposition to tyrannical government. Yet these upheavals were very different from one another. The Great French Revolution of 1789-1793 was the most radical of the bourgeois revolutions. What happened in France was a radical social revolution. What happened in the America of Washington and Jefferson was not because of the hypocrisy of the chattel slavery system that remained intact after the American Revolution. France underwent a massive downward redistribution of wealth and a radical change in class structure. Not so in America. How is it that the democratic principles inscribed in the Declaration of Independence were written by a slaveholder? The basic underlying cause of the War of Independence was the increasing conflict of economic interests between the propertied classes in the American colonies-Southern plantation owners and Northern merchant-traders-and Britains ruling circles. In order to mobilize the mass of the white populace-small farmers, artisans and shopkeepers-to risk their lives and livelihoods in going to war against Britain, the wealthy colonial elite had to tell them that all men, having been created equal, were entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. At the level of practical politics, black chattel slavery made the democratic enfranchisement of white farmers and artisans in the early American republic less economically threatening to the Southern ruling class. Liberal planters like Jefferson could advocate extending voting rights to most white males since their own labor force, on which their wealth and social power depended, was made up entir...
Manvi motors Essay Example
Manvi motors Essay Example Manvi motors Essay Manvi motors Essay The Minivan Motors of Malaysia produces cars under an agreement with Suzuki of Japan and trucks under an agreement with General Motors of the USA. The company was established in 1972 and now employs approximately 1000 people and can generally produce an average of 25 cars and trucks per day. Capital investment constraints have limited the nature of Anvils manufacturing facilities. Consequently, it is not able to manufacture many of the items required for the assembly of cars and trucks. These items are imported from Suzuki or GM. However, both Suzuki and GM must limit the quantities of parts shipped to Minivan cause of constraints on their own capacities. Suzuki and GM have guaranteed to provide parts sufficient for 500 cars and 200 trucks respectively per month. GM has Just announced several price increases, which have raised the direct manufacturing cost (which includes all labor and material costs) of a Minivan truck from $800 to $1000 converted to US dollars. Suzuki has not raised prices on purchased parts, so the direct manufacturing cost of a Minivan car has remained stable at $800. The Ministry of Economics controls the selling price of Anvils output: cars sell at $4300 and trucks sell at $6000. Anvils vehicles have a reputation as well-made and dependable products, suitable for the Malaysian market. Demand is so great that the company can sell all the cars and trucks it can produce, and the company expects no change in this situation. Minivan presently has unfilled orders (already paid for) for 150 cars and 100 trucks. The manufacturing process for both cars and trucks consists essentially of two departments, which limits the number of vehicles that can be produced during any month. These departments are fabrication and engine assembly. An agreement with the Ministry of Labor has set the minimum labor usage combined in both apartments to be at 14,000 worker-hours. Different parts on 45 machine tools. A recent analysis has shown that this shop can plan on no more than 12,000 worker-hours of capacity in the coming month. Each car manufactured requires 20 worker-hours of fabrication; each truck requires 40 worker-hours. The assembly department is set up as a conventional assembly line. 10,000 worker- hours of capacity will be available in the assembly department in the coming month. Each car requires 25 worker-hours of assembly; each truck requires only 10 worker- hours. The fixed overhead costs are estimated at $10,000 in the fabrication department and 12,000 in the assembly department. At this mornings management meeting, Farad Hormone, the production manager expressed considerable concern over Gems price increases. The next months production schedule was to be announced tomorrow, and she asked Sunnis Ray, the managing director, whether the cost should affect the currently planned production of 200 cars and 200 trucks. Mr Ray replied l have never been sure if our current plan is the best we can have. If it is, I think we will Just have to absorb the price increase until the Ministry of Economics allows us to increase our selling price. In hat case we will go ahead with the previous plan 200 cars and 200 trucks. 1) What is the best product mix for Minivan Motors under the new cost structure? 2) Was the current policy of producing 200 cars and 200 trucks the best for Minivan Motors under the old cost structure? ) If an additional worker-hour in any of the departments will cost the same amount, in which department would you recommend making this additional worker-hour available? 4) If 200 additional worker hours were available in the fabrication department for $3000, should Farad pay this amount and get the additional hours? 5) What are 1000 additional hours in the assembly apartment worth? What about 1100 hours? 6) If the net profit from a truck is decreased by $500 will the best product mix be any different? Will the total profit change? ) An error in record keeping indicates that the number of back-ordered trucks is only 85. Will this change the best product mix? 8) Farad has received word that the Minister of Labor will relax the labor restriction by 2000 worker-hours. Will this change the decision regarding the best product mix? Minivan Motors is considering introducing a new Minivan van. The new model requires 30 hours in the fabrication department and 20 hours in the assembly department. Each Minivan van will give a net profit of $4000. 1) Should any vans be produced? ) How much would it cost in terms of profit if, for some reason, the management insisted that at least one van be made THIS, a handloom cooperative society in Tamil Nadia carries out the marketing, distribution and sales functions for the cooperative societies in the state. THIS collects goods produced by the societies and sells it through outlets all through the Southern states. It has recently opened ware houses to handle the consolidation and distribution of merchandise. The warehouses are located in Cuddlier, Erode, Cameraman, Salem and Velour. The merchandise has to be distributed monthly from these warehouses to the showrooms in the four states. Goods are packaged and delivered by bales. The monthly availability of the goods at the warehouses (in number of bales) is as given below : Warehouses: Availability: Cuddlier Erode 100 110 Cameraman Salem Velour 120 130 The monthly demand (in number of bales) in the four states is as follows: States: Demand: Tamil Nadia Karakas Kraal Andorra Pradesh 200 105 155 The costs of transporting one bale from a given warehouse to any showroom in a given state are as given in Tablet. Assume all costs are stated in hundreds of rupees. Table 1 Cuddlier Erode Cameraman Salem Velour Tamil Nadia 350 150 300 250 Karakas 1 oho 650 700 Kraal 1200 850 950 1100 Andorra Pradesh THIS would like to distribute the merchandise as per the availability and demand at the least total cost. How should it plan its distribution? 3. SCHEDULING DECISIONS AT CALL-ME Call-Me Inc. Has a major call center at Achaean that specializes in answering medical billing queries for a few health insurance companies from around the world. This company has available trained professionals that can answer questions in English, French, German and Japanese, and they operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They estimate the following minimal daily requirements for the trained professionals: Time of Day Period Trained Professionals Required Minimum Number of (24-hour clock) 20 50 6-10 10-14 14-18 18-22 22- 2 2 3 4 5 6 the same for an eight hour stint. What must be the daily schedule so that the requirements above are met? Call-Me is considering the option of scheduling overtime hours using the same pool of professionals that are working for them. The specific option they are considering is that a professional who is not working in a given time period can give overtime and be paid one and a half times the regular rate. For instance, if period 6 is not covered by a professional during his/her regular schedule, then he/she is eligible to work overtime in this period. If so, he/she will be paid 0. Xix, if x is the regular pay for an 8 hour stint. Is it worthwhile scheduling overtime hours? Why or Why not? 4. FINANCIAL PLANNING Tiles R Us is a large manufacturer of all varieties of flooring tiles. The companys cash receivables and payable for the coming 4 periods are as given in the table below. The payable need not be paid at once and may be paid out of future funds. In particular, suppose that a I-period delay in meeting payable meaner that the many must pay RSI. 1. 03 for each Re. 1 owed, and a 2-period delay requires payment of RSI. 1. 07 for each rupee owed. Periods Periods Period 3 Period 4 Cash receipts (in lacks of RSI) 70 Accounts payable (lacks of rupees) Beginning cash on hand is RSI. 0 lacks, and cash receivables feed into cash on hand. Cash carried forward from period to period may be allocated in any desired split between a bank account that pays 1% rate of interest per period and bonds that pay 3% rate of interest every two periods. However, the bonds can only be purchased in Periods 1 and 2, and cannot be cashed in until two periods after purchase. Mr Sheehan, the owner of Tiles R Us would like to maximize cash on hand at the end of the planning horizon (the am ount carried beyond Period 4 after making the payments). ) Define the variables required to help him in his decision. B) Formulate this decision problem be modeled as a linear programming problem? C) Now suppose that the penalty on payments delayed for 2 periods depends on the amount delayed. The company must pay RSI. 1. 07 for each Re. 1 owed up too maximum 10% amount delayed for 2 periods and RSI. 1. 10 thereafter. Define any new variables needed to incorporate this information in your model of part b). Give an appropriate formulation that will help Mr Sheehan in his decision under this new penalty structure. . REVENUE MANAGEMENT AT LEISURE AIR Leisure Air is a regional airline that provides service for Pittsburgh, Newark, Charlotte, Myrtle Beach, and Orlando. It has two Boeing 737-400 airplanes, one based in Pittsburgh and the other in Newark. Both airplanes have a coach section with a 132- seat capacity. Each morning the Pittsburgh-based plane flies to Orlando with a stopover in Charlotte, and the Newark-based plane flies to Myrtle Beach, also with a stopover in Charlotte. At the end of the day, both planes return to their home bases. To keep the size of the problem reasonable, we restrict our attention to the Pittsburgh-Charlotte, Charlotte-Orlando, Newark-Charlotte, and Charlotte-Myrtle Beach flight legs for the morning flights. The figure illustrates the logistics of the Leisure Air uses two fare classes: a discount-fare Q class and a full-fare Y class. Reservations using the discount-fare Q class must be made 14 days in advance and must include a Saturday night stay in the destination city. Reservations using the full-fare Y class may be made anytime, with no penalty for changing the reservation t a later date. To determine the itinerary and fare alternatives that Leisure Air can offer its customers, we must consider not only the origin and the destination of each flight, but also the fare class. For instance, possible products include Pittsburgh to Charlotte using Q class, Newark to Orlando using Q class, Charlotte to Myrtle Beach using Y class, and so on. Each product is referred to as an origin-destination- itinerary fare (DIF). For May 5, Leisure Air has established fares and developed forecasts of customer demand for each of 16 Doffs. These data are shown in Table. Suppose that on April 4 a customer calls the Leisure Air reservation office and requests a Q class seat on the May 5 flight from Pittsburgh to Myrtle Beach. Should Leisure Air accept the reservation? The difficulty in making this decision is that even though Leisure Air may have seats available, the company may not want to accept this reservation at the Q class fare of $268, especially if it is possible to sell the same reservation later at the Y class fare of $456. Thus, determining how many Q and Y class seats to make available are important decisions that Leisure Air must make in order to operate its reservation system.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Human resource issues (A REPORT) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Human resource issues (A REPORT) - Essay Example Organizations that display this commitment are also characterised by a distinct culture of service leadership and role modelling by top management. It is probably more difficult for competitors to duplicate high performance human assets than any other corporate resource. In both the industry, the way service is delivered by this human resource can be important source of differentiation as well as competitive advantage. In addition, the strength of the customer/frontline staff relationship is often an important driver of customer loyalty (Bove & Johnson, 2001). Service staff plays a key role in anticipating customers needs, customizing the service delivery, and building personalized relationships with customers with ultimately lead to customer loyalty. Highly motivated employees remain at the core of service excellence and becoming a key variable for creating and maintaining competitive positioning and advantage (Hemp, 2002). The important impact of service staff on customer loyalty w as integrated and formalized by James Heskett and his colleagues (1994) in their research on the service-profit chain. The authors demonstrate the chain of relationships between; Unlike manufacturing, all the service staff in hospitality or retail industry remains in continuous contact with customers and Schneider & Bowen (1993) shows that employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction are highly correlated. Organisations have opted various HR tools and practices over the year to attain the success. Attractive compensation packages are used to attract good quality staff. Broadened job designs are accompanied by training and empowerment practices that allow frontline staff to control quality. With more focussed recruitment, more intensive training, and better wages, employees are likely to be happier in their work and to provide higher quality, customer pleasing service. Regular customers also appreciated the continuity in service relations resulting in lower
Coding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Coding - Essay Example Further, coding plays an important role in the provision of government statistics. This comes to play during the budgeting of a countryââ¬â¢s medical care, as the correct statistics are provided. For example, the government officials are aware of medications given, the number of people that passed on maybe because of certain diseases. It also offers a road map for the formulation of medical strategies that will help a nation curb vital illnesses. In addition, proper coding is important in ensuring that patients are forced to pay for the care they did not receive. Medical practitioners and insurance organizations can have a common understanding on the services provided and thus, the correct charges are made and paid (Capstone, 2010). Nurses are an essential part in the practice of medical care. They help in service delivery and assist doctors in a number of ways. They are often in contact with patients; this aspect of their work enables them to understand the patients more and offer them the necessary services. It also equips them with first hand information on the type of care the patients need in reference to their illness. This enables them to code the diagnosis appropriately. Moreover, before a patient is referred to a doctor, it is the duty of the nurse to offer first hand services, which put the nurses at an appropriate position to identify the type of care to be given to the patient (Shi & Singh, 2010). Additionally, being the ones to provide complete reports about patients to the doctors, nurses are professionally equipped and familiar with the importance of proper coding for record keeping. It is usually the responsibility of the nurses to offer comprehensive medical care; therefore, they have a duty to ensure the coding is appropriate to avoid mischarging the patients. They also proffer the accurate records for medication for the patient to the necessary authorities.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Removal of Pedestrian Crossing Traffic Lights Essay
Removal of Pedestrian Crossing Traffic Lights - Essay Example The removal of these traffic lights enables a smooth traffic flow. A transportation strategy has been set up from Moore Street Ring Road to Brook Hill Ring Road, which involves the removal of selected traffic lights. The decision of removal of traffic lights is because of many factors such as traffic jams, congested roads and increased number of pedestrians and cyclists. The objectives behind removal of pedestrian crossing traffic lights are to improve the traffic flow, to minimize the time required for travelling from one place to another, to handle all kinds of delay caused by the pedestrians and cyclists, to support the pedestrians and cyclists to adopt ways mush suitable for their travelling and to make the public transport much efficient. The pedestrian crossings are aimed to be reduced in order to ensure a smooth traffic flow. The set of traffic lights that can be noticed at different crossings from Moore Street Ring Road to Brook Hill Ring Road are nearly seven in number. The first traffic light that can be noticed is to assist people (approaching from Broomhall street) to cross Hanover Way (A61) while the next set of lights that can be noticed to assist people (journeying from Broomspring Lane) across Hanover Way. The third and fourth that are noticeable are the one that can support people and cars (Glossop road) to cross through. For controlling the traffic moving between the third and fourth set of traffic lights can be monitored by the help of cameras that are fixed between the third and fourth set of traffic lights. Cameras play a significant role in enabling the traffic authorities to keep a check on the traffic and vehicles as they can monitor the problems with the help of installed cameras. Any problematic situation can be evaluated by the help of cameras. When the traffic signal is closed or is red in color that is indicative that the traffic should stop, the cameras can check the trespassers and legal actions can be taken against them. The thre e set of traffic lights bordering Brook Hill Roundabout are principally employed for supporting the students and pedestrians to cross the road. However, it is only because of these set of traffic lights that at peak times when there is a huge rush of traffic and pedestrians, all the traffic flow is built up excessively down onto Hanover Way. This roundabout can be better used by controlling the traffic lights to ease out the traffic flow. Alternative solutions can be thought to manage the flow of traffic into and out of the city center by handling the roundabout positively. Therefore, the above mentioned traffic lights and their positions are of crucial significance in terms of pedestrian crossings and traffic flow. These are the selected set of traffic lights that can be removed for better traffic flow. The first set of traffic light can be removed and an alternative path can be provided to the pedestrians. There is an underpass near the first set of traffic lights that can be empl oyed as an alternative for crossing the road instead of the traffic signal. However, this underpass is considered insecure because of lack of personal security measures by the police authorities. People show reluctance to use this path because of personal security reasons. If the first selected set of traffic lights is removed and underpass is used, the traffic flow will be much better. In addition, underpass will be used extensively due to which, personal
War on terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
War on terrorism - Essay Example Terrorism has been defined as the indiscriminate use of tactics like bombings, shootings, and kidnappings against unarmed civilians to achieve ideological and political goals. Terrorism traditionally was considered to be localized as a tactic used by insurgent or paramilitaryThe September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon changed the nature and threat of terrorism. The attacks of 9/11 brought a dangerous phenomenon by which small cells of determined religious and fundamentalistThe United States launched the ââ¬Å"War on Terrorismâ⬠as a response to the events of 9/11. These operations were initiated and instigated with the purpose of smashing the command and control centers of insurgent groups, disrupt their logistics, wipe out their training camps and sanctuaries, kill or capture terrorist leaders and their followers. This research paper provides an in depth analysis and examination of the activities which have been launched as part of the war on terr orism. It also scrutinizes the shortcomings and defects of the policies initiated by the American government.Global terrorism fueled and instigated by Al Qaeda remains a potential threat to the security of the United States and its allies. Al Qaeda is the code name used for a number of Islamic fundamentalist organizations that seek to overthrow the pro Western governments in the Islamic World, liberate Palestine, and unite the Islamic world.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Perception of an Object Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Perception of an Object - Essay Example Hence, whatever we do, it is based on reasoning or motivating forces that influence our thinking process and the way we think. à Although we react as per the perception of the event, it is equally true that our reactions are also influenced by the manipulations of the information that are retained in the memory of the brain. Some of the forces that might determine our form of ââ¬Ëthinkingââ¬â¢ may include gender, ethnicity, scientific background, official compulsions or socio-economic parameters. Hence our judgment of events is largely dependent on the memory that stores information about that event. As a student, we are often faced with situations that are often interpreted in different ways by different people including my friends, teachers, relatives etc. à In one of the school trips, Danny, despite being the brightest students in our class, refused to go. Everyone was pretty annoyed and little upset also because Danny was not only the brightest in the class, he was also a great fun. Since the examinations were also around the corner, everyone concluded that he did not want to waste time but would rather use the time to study. As I later found out, everybody was wrong! Danny very much wanted to go but he was not able to go because his parents were getting a divorce and he was heartbroken. I was only able to find out because when I accused him of being selfish, the whole thing came out. He had confided only because I was his good friend so I had to keep silent while my friendââ¬â¢s absence was made a subject of ridicule. It was a lesson in perception. What is perceived to be an easy explanation of events often has a deeper meaning which can only be understood by rationalizing the actions of other people? Indeed, we need to rationa lize other peopleââ¬â¢s action and try to look at the events from their perspectives. Why the person acted the way he did.
INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION STRATEGY IN Zarraffa's Coffee - Essay Example A market analysis of the Chinese coffee market has been conducted through industry analysis framework. The project also shed light on how Zarraffaââ¬â¢s Coffee should go about the expansion plan in the next five years through the franchisee model. The twenty-first century is often cited as the age of competition, this century is associated with globalisation, which has resulted in organizations breaching geographical boundaries to gain access to markets across the globe. Competition is the buzzword of globalisation with every product category being offered by numerous organizations resulting in a highly competitive environment. The present study deals with the issue of international expansion by organizations. International expansion can be of many types which include setting up Greenfield projects, Joint ventures, Tie ups and Franchising. The study would try to analyse the international expansion of a firm using the franchisee model. Zarraffaââ¬â¢s Coffee has been chosen as the firm for study, and the Chinese market has been chosen as the nation for the firmââ¬â¢s expansion. The choice of the nation assumes significance as it represents the fastest growing economy of the world whish offers a huge potential for players to expand their business operations. According to a study the Chinese coffee market is still in its growth phase, the report also states that the coffee consumption by the Chinese consumers has grown by approximately 20 percent (Li, 1995, p.6). Zarraffaââ¬â¢s Coffeein an Australian based coffee shop which was established in the year 1996 by Kenton Campbell. The first store of Zarraffaââ¬â¢s was based in the city of Southport in Australia. The company provides excellent service to its customers which are in accordance with its mission to provide a perfect cup of coffee to every customer (Zaraffaââ¬â¢s Coffee, n.d.). Presently the organization has its presence across 42 stores which are spread around Australia. The company has gone a long
Friday, November 15, 2019
Beijing Capital International Airport Development Project Construction Essay
Beijing Capital International Airport Development Project Construction Essay 1. This guideline has been prepared as an evaluation and condensation of a full environment impact assessment (EIA) of the proposed Project Beijing Low Cost International Airport (PLCA), which will be prepared for the Government by the consulting group of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia, following China Government guidelines by The Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Peoples Republic of China, formally known as Chinas State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) and the methodologies described in Environmental Assessment Requirements and Environmental Review Procedures of the Asian Development Bank (1993) and Environmental Guidelines for Selected Infrastructure Projects (1990). The objective of the EIA is to ensure that environment aspects are addressed and potential problems are foreseen at the appropriate stage of project design. Hence, at the preliminary level, a coordinator is selected for the EIA to collect detail background in formation. The EIA report would be based on (i) the Project feasibility study prepared by Airways Engineering Consultants under Bank technical assistant (TA), (ii) discussions with principal authors of the above documents, (iii) field visits to the Project site and local government capital, and, (iv) discussions with local government and pertinent National Government officials with environmental responsibilities. 2. The methods used to carry out the EIA for impact identification included: (i) review of available literature, (ii) meetings with National and local government officials, (iii) site visits to the PLCA and surrounding areas, (iv) discussions with inhabitants near the site via door to door survey, (v) ambient noise and air quality and surface water quality sampling and testing in the field and in the laboratory, and (vi) application of professional knowledge and experience. 3. Besides, the EIA would require a baseline study on data and impact evaluation, assessment, documentation, decision making and post audits that incorporates the results and conclusions in the report of the EIA. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 4. The rapid economic growth in China has led to the increase numbers of demand for air transport service consumer, in both passengers and cargo. Being located at the capital of the Peoples Republic of China, the flourish of tourism sector, business and cargo service had caused the current capacity of Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK) registered 65.3 million passengers and achieved 1,420,997 tonnes of cargo traffic in year 2009, which ranked the 3rd and 14th busiest in international respectively. It has reached an efficiency score since year 2006 till now (Andrew Yuen Zhang, 2009). However, the PEK which has three terminals can only handle 78 million passengers per year. At the same time, since the projection for passenger capacity in 2012 would reach more than 90 million, it would be over congested in just round the corner. The current alternative or nearest international airport available is Tianjin BinHai International Airport, however it is located too far, 160km from Beijing. While the nearby Beijing Nanyuan Airport (NAY) located north to Daxing is owned by military and serves as a middle cost domestic airport that capable of handling only 1.2 million passengers per year, hence it is viable to look for a new destination to build an international airport that in future might accommodate the airlines currently using NAY. Strategic locality might be one of the factors that passengers are generally still prefer to land at PEK due to time and cost convenient. Besides, the design of PEK cannot accommodate airbus A380. Hence, it is urgent to look for a new suitable location to build a new airport that is schedule for completion in year 2015 to cater the future demand. 5. Previously, there was suggestion that the major difference between the current and new Beijing airport to segregate into either serving the local or international market so that there would be no overlap. However, it had received many objections due to its unfairness nature. It is proposed here that due to the rising of the low cost proposition in international market, the proposed Project is to design and construct a Beijing Low Cost International Airport. This can divert the passengers from the PEK that PLCA can be an aviation hub based low cost service that encourage more tourists and tap in the budgeted travel market. This is not the latest concept for low cost terminal building in China as the first has operated in Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport, which was limited only for domestic flights from May 2008 to October 2009. A survey conducted by Civil Aviation Net of China showed that 92% of respondents opt for low cost flights, if is needed to pay the air ticket by the ir own. Following the global market trend, due to increasingly cost-conscious travelers, a huge new low cost airport that can cater 70-80 million passengers is proposed to be reasonable. The Beijing concept would be a successful one since it is not like the Zhengzhou model which failed due to restricted for domestic. In order to meet the forecasted traffic, the size for new airport would be 3,800 hectares (ha) of land. 6. The suggested locations for the new airport include Lixian Town in Daxing District (39Ã ° 33 8 North, 116Ã ° 26 42 East), a downtown rural area covers an area of 1,012 square kilometers with a population of 671,444, as in year 2000 statistics. It is about 40 kilometers (km) south of the Beijing and can be connected to Beijing via Jingkai Express Highway. Another suggested location for the PLCA is at Guan District which is 60 km away from the current airport. 7. The first phase of development of the PLCA, the Project, will meet air traffic forecast demand for the year 2016, would involve the size of 1, 800 ha. This involves large turboprop aircraft with sufficient range to cover both the local and international demand. Development covers the soil improvement and earthworks necessary of construct a landing strip 2,300 meters (m) in length, with an initial runway length of 3,500 m. The project will also complete with enough passenger and cargo terminals, car park and access roads; control tower; crash; fire, and rescue building; ancillary buildings; housing for airport staff; wastewater treatment plant and a potable water system; electric power; fuel farm; perimeter fencing; and supporting airfield lighting and navigation aids. All of the security verification system, luggage system and other essential facilities are well equipped. The new runway would be fitted for Boeing 737, Airbus A320 and Airbus A380. There would be various choices of restaurants, stores and duty free shops. It is not a luxurious one, but with just a simple interior decoration. All these would reduce in the airport landing fee and airport construction fee (ACF). As the proposed airport would be a low cost and incorporate the trendy green airport concept, boarding ramps is not provided. The following phase would claim another 1,700 ha land, and total runway 7000 km. A 100 ha of unoccupied land is reserved as part of the Project to provide added protection in the approach areas from future possible encroachment by non-airport development. Every passenger is allowed to carry 15 kg luggage, five kg less than under normal regulations. III. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT A. Physical Resources and Natural Environment 8. The PLCA is proposed to be located at an area of plain land, which is typical of the Lixian Town at Daxing District (Wu, et. al, 2010). The soil is heavy metal and hence not suitable for vegetable growing, but can be used for construction (Hu, et. al, 2006). Currently, the residence in the area depends on agriculture or food service that support Beijings demand. Due to the changing characteristics of the soil, a transition of economic activity is predicted. A detail studies should be carried out at the Project site for determining the suitability of the land and the possibility of earthquake and other natural disaster. 9. The climate of the area follows the four seasons, as similar to Beijing. The average temperature ranges from a high of 17.9 to a low of 7.2 Celsius. The wind velocity needs to be obtained from the China Meteorological Administration. 10. The baseline monitoring should be carried out. Both on the site itself and the nearby highway Jingkai Expressway. The air quality, level of hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide have to be determined and compared with the national benchmarks. 11. The Longhe River and Xintiantang river are required to be carried out environment assessment as both of the rivers support the agriculture activities at the area. 12. Baseline monitoring of the surface water quality ought to be conducted at the two rivers. Sampling and testing are needed to understand the pollution level by human waste in surrounding areas. 13. Since the site of the airport is nearby to residents are and some of them are still relying the usage well, so the groundwater have be tested on the requirement of water treatment. 14. Since there are twelve forests and Yongding River as the mother river supporting many subrivals in nearby town within Daxing district, so the level of possibility of endanger to the flora and fauna need to be assessed. It is understood that the fishing activities have decreased due to the less raining in past few years. C. Human and Economic Development 15. The PLCA is in an area of low population density. 16. Most of the residents of the area are farmers and small businessman who sell vegetable that supports the demands from Beijing city. However, the income level is quite low compared to the city. 17. The predominant land use around the PLCA is agriculture. D. Quality of Life Values 18. Near to the site in other town but not at Lixian Town itself, only forests and some Mosques which are served as heritage conservative sites. There is healthcare service, power line, electricity, telephone, water treatment service for the area. IV. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 19. This section assesses the potential impact of the proposed development of the PLCA on the surrounding environment and presents mitigation measures. It would cover the potential effects associated with location, design, construction and operation. A. Environmental Impacts Due to Location 1. Disruption of Surface and Groundwater 20. The environment impacts of the location need to be carried out. 2. Relocation 21. Resettlement is required for some affected villages or called as cun but the impact is needed a further studies. 3. Land Values 22. There would be an increase in land values for residential areas, nearby to the highway, airport. The local government hence has to do a proper planning to avoid bubble economics for the housing sectors. 23. The impact of the ecology from airport need to be taken into consideration. B. Environmental Impacts Due to Project Design 1. Nearby River Erosion, Flooding 24. The construction of the airport could create a large impervious surface in an area that is now covered by grassland and some brush and trees. If the drainage is poor designed, it would affect the nearby rivers. 2. Disposal of Human Waste 25. There is potential pollution of surface water and groundwater due to the possible introduction of turbidity and coliform bacteria from human waste will be mitigated by the design of a wastewater treatment plant. 3. Petroleum Water Disposal 26. Some spilling of fuel is likely to occur during the aircraft refueling on the aircraft parking aprons, and it is necessary to trap and filter out these wastes before they enter the main drainage system of the aprons, which will empty into the nearby small river. To reduce such impact, the drainage system of the aprons will be designed so that water runoff during rains will be channeled into subsurface drains that will contain a trap system, accessible through access holes, to filter out and collect wastewater treatment plant after being treated to break down the hydrocarbons. C. Environment Impacts During PLCA Construction 27. With the good design and construction standards and procedures are adopted according to Green Airport, it is expected to have minimum impacts. A contractual guarantee which include the environment impact associated with construction is a most appropriate way to ensuring such implementation to be adhered. 1. Sediment Runoff 28. The construction program might have impact towards the nearby river and altering its natural flow. This would affect the number of fish population in the river. Hence, implementation of erosion and sedimentation control is required to minimized the impact. The area should also replant threes alongside to ensure the green environment to be accomplished. 2. Dust and Noise/Vibration Pollution 29. The dust pollution would be under control due to latest technology. The noise and vibration pollution is minimized via strict rules and regulations so that it wont affect the living hood of population nearby. No construction work is allowed before 7am and after 7pm on weekdays, weekends and public holiday. Penalty of RMB5000 would be imposed once there is an enforcement operation or any complaints regarding the constructor violate the rules and regulations. 3. Worker Safety and Health 30. Worker safety and health will be ensured via protection through contractual undertakings to implement safe site practices. 4. Slum Creation 31. Since there is job creation and recruitment of workforce from the residence nearby and no sourcing of workers from other areas are needed, hence there is little needs for building temporary on-site house and this reduce the risk of slum creation. 5. Traffic Congestion, Blocking, or Disruption of Utilities 32. The current level of traffic on the main highway near the site is not congested. There are new highways opening soon. Hence, there is little traffic problem arises. D. Impacts During PLCA Operation 33. The impacts during operation phase should be analyzed and forecasted. 1. Noise/Vibration Disturbance 34. The accepted level of noise/vibration disturbance is about 65 decibels or 65 Ldn (day-night noise level) to the nearest residential area, since there would be some distance from the airport, hence the impact can be minimized. The distance between the airport and nearest housing area, hence, is needed to be estimated. Besides, controlling of noise/vibration disturbance can be done via the arrangement of the air traffic control by having schedule in the daytime and less air traffic in the night time. However, a completed noise analysis has to be carried out based on the forecasted future flight traffic volume. Noise monitoring terminals would be build to ensure the minimal impact of noise pollution. 2. Water Pollution/Escape of Sanitary Wastes 35. The construction of wastewater treatment plant and sewage distribution lines must be part of the Project. The water, especially at the terminal area needs to be treated with the latest green technology. Potable water for airport operations need to be provided from a drilled well, or wells with treatment to meet World Health Organization standards. 3. Air Pollution 36. The EIA should ensure minimum impact of air pollution even the operation of PLCA starts. 4. Congestion at Airport Access and Exit 37. The congestion level is ought to be estimated, regardless of current low level of usage and new highways are opening soon. 5. Hazards to Traffic from Operation Aircraft 38. The residential areas or buildings nearby are low and little risk arises for the height over aircraft passing. How, the accurate level is needed to be assessed to reduce any potential risk. 6. Human and Economic Development 39. The impact on possible changes from rural-to-urban would lead to migration towards areas nearby PLCA is needed to be assessed. Although it would bring job creation and have minor socio-economic changes from agriculture or small business towards service based, a details assessment would be required to ensure the culture is balanced and not change drastically. 40. The local government would play a very major role in permitting licenses for buildings and business. The potential positive impact would most probably be the increasing public facilities which is currently lacking. 7. Quality of Life Values 41. The current lacking of public facilities and facilities would be improved via the proposed project. The income level would be increased while the potential changes would be the population migration from other area in searching for employment opportunity. 8. Environmental Overview 42. The project will not involve scare or irreplaceable resource in line with the green airport concept. Raw materials such as sand and gravel should be employed for its construction and future expansion. No loss of biodiversity should be achieved. V. ALTERNATIVES 43. The other alternative which is considered feasible is Guan as one of the nominated site. It is a downtown further down than Lixian Town. VI. COST BENEFIT ANALYSES A. Internal Rate of Return 44. The economic internal rate of return for the Project should be estimated. B. Economic Benefits 45. The potential main economic benefit would be income generated from visitors expenditures, time saving for passengers, and the value of foregone passenger and cargo traffic. Cost saving due to low landing cost and additional employment and increased in property value are not included in this analysis. C. Project Costs 46. Project costs include (i) civil works, (ii) other construction, (iii) equipment and its installation, (iv) consulting engineering design and supervision, and (v) cost for abatement for pollution. D. Monitoring and Reporting Cost 47. Monitoring will be required to carried out during construction and operation of the Project. It would be a contractual base. E. Nonqualified Environment Impacts 48. Any negative impacts in environment would be internalized into the cost of Project. Hence, cost-benefit and cost effectiveness of such pollution is not based on separated budget. VII. INSTITUSIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM A. Institutional Capacity 49. Since there are many experiences on airport building by China Aviation Society, hence with the assistant from consultant on EIA, which adhere to rules and regulations as mentioned earlier, no special training is required. However, the government needs to support on the low cost airline in order to be successful implemented. B. Monitoring Program 50. The impacts of the proposed PLCA Project is needed to carried out whether it is significant in order to decide on the relevant type of monitoring program. 51. Sedimentation and control of erosion and water runoff, water quality, worker safety and health, and traffic interference would be the utmost monitoring items during construction period. All other monitoring programs are yet to be indentified after a thorough study. 52. Monitoring program for operation phase are also required for the preparation of control over kinds of potential serious pollution. C. Documentations 53. Clear documentations are required. Appropriate recommendation should be included in the working document with the alternative environmental and economic impacts adhered. VIII. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 54. Public involvement is important in this 21st century that the demand and supply is matched without major objection from the public. Local residents can be consulted via public hearing on the Project plan or random door-to-door survey can be carried out with sets of questionnaire on their view of potential impacts in term of the environment, social and economic towards the communities. 55. The public involvement between public and developer is needed for the negotiation on the required acquisition and compensation. IX. DECISION-MAKING 56. The EIA would be important to facilitate the decision making process for the decision makers, however it does not serve as an absolute path. If it is rejected, further studies is required on alternatives. IXI. POST AUDITS 47. Post audits are required to determine how closely to reality the EIA predictions. It is important to avoid any form of bureaucratic constrains. General statements in the body of legislation would be good as supplementary guidelines would be required from time to time.
Business analysis of General Electric
Business analysis of General Electric In the history of technology in the united scales, the history of General Electric company constitutes a significant part. The growth of General Electronics (GE) from a mere home laboratory of Thomas Edison to one of the largest companies from simple early applications to complex 21st century high tech wizardry, has been quite outstanding. the company has also merged with other companies, broading its scope , moving from technology to services, consisting of total 11 main operating gates : GE Advanced with high-performance, fused quartz and ceramics which are used by a good number of industries, silicon-based products. One of worlds leading appliance manufacturers, GE Consumer and Industrial is a preeminent global maker of lighting products for consumer, commercial, and industrial customers. Besides, these functions, GE Commercial and Industrial also supplies systems, services and integrated industrial equipment. The energy industry is served by GE Energy, a prominent supplier among its field. P1. Background to Change Major changes in General Electric: The economic problems of GE can be deciphered through its managerial reshuffling. General Electronic experienced a far reaching change when John F. (Jacx) Welch Jr. became the chairman and CEO in 1981. Welch intended to give power to the subordinates i.e. the periphery of the company by invalidating the hierarchy of the management, assigning divisions according to the per formative skills, which he followed from predecessor Reginald Jones time. GE bought 338 business and product lines for $11.1 billion and sold 252 for $5.9 billion over the next few years. Jones wanted GE to be top ranked in all the fields of operation. During this period, in 1943, General Electric Credit Corporation, another of GEs operations was formed. And as it expanded into other markets like real estate, leasing and selling of heavy industrial goods, insurance and inventories its assets doubled to $16 billion between 1979 and 1984. Also, the leasing operations protected the parent company from heavy taxes. It w as done by leasing of the credit corporation on the equipments developed by GE which suffered accelerated depreciation. Forces for change: Controlling bureaucracy: Welchs signature concept was to spark productivity and save the company from eminent threats. Wales took care of both internal and external problems. He sorted out internal problems such as between functions eg-that between sales and manufacturing and external problems like GE and its suppliers and customers. Welch incited any kind of barrier was bad for the company. Information travels easily in an open, boundary less organization. There is a nothing to hinder the continuous flow of decisions, people, ideas etc. the century-old systems of resided hierarchy and bloated bureaucracy in Ge near got rid of because this Boundary less behavior. Welsh spent two decades reforming the bureaucratic procedures of GE, because he thought anything that hindered the free flow of ideas and learning was destructive. Lack of sharing information: Because there was a communication gap between the lower and top management, the goals were not clear to them. So they needed to change and adapt so that everyone could be aware of the goals and objectives of the company. Mobilizing the workforce/winning competitive advantage: GE had to change and adapt itself to the changes around and compete properly and not lag behind. And when this change happens throughout is required to minimize the disturbances associated. For expanding the business: In order to expand his business to suit the competitive market, Welsh globalizes , many were not doing well, so Jack first handled the problems playing weaker domestic sector (i.e. the hardware phase: restructuring, delivering, downsizing etc. ) After solving the hardware problems, Welch concentrated on making GE global. Advancement of Technology: Change is a must to adapt to the growing technological market. Internet initiative was used by Welch. Welch recommended every process to be digitized, as a part of GEs e-Initiative. In making the company diligent and agile this step was much instrumental. P2. GE organizational structure is combination of top-down bottom up structure. Corporate Executive Office Chairman CEO Corporate staff Finance Business R D Human Legal Development Resource GE aircraft GE transp- GE industrial GE Plastics GE Appliance GE supplies Engines orttion systems GE Power GE Medical GE Lighting GE specialty NBC GE Capital Systems Systems Materials GE Capital 26 Business organized into 5 segments Consumer Mid-market Specialized Specialty Equipment Services Financing Financing Insurance Management Advantages of Bureaucratic structure organization: Functional economics of scale Minimum duplication of personnel equipment. Enhanced communication centralized decision making Disadvantages of Bureaucratic organization Submit conflicts with organizational goals. Obsessive concern with rules and regulations. Lack of employee discretion to deal with problems. P3. Mechanistic Organizational structure: Qualities such as high complexity, formality and centralization mark the Mechanistic structures. These structures are well suited for repetitive functions and actions. They react to unpredicted events relatively slow and are highly depended on planned behaviors. Mechanistic Organizational Structure Mechanistic Organizational Performance AlignmentStructure Control-oriented IT Alignment Performance Control-oriented IT Advantages: High specialization Rigid departmentalization High formalization Disadvantages: Narrow span of control Flow of information is not free Centralized Organic Organizational structure: Organic structures emphasis on parallel relations rather than vertical ones and are relatively resilient and adoptable. It is influenced by skills and knowledge rather than status-related authorities, the focus is not on commands but on data sharing and responsibilities are rendered flexible not based on terms of reference. Organic Organizational structure Mechanistic Organizational Performance AlignmentStructure Coordinatio-oriented IT Alignment Performance Control-oriented IT Advantages: Open communication network Empowered employee Wide span of control Cross hierarchical team Free flow of information Disadvantages: Low formalization Minimal formal rules Little direct supervision. .Organizational transformation (Centralized -decentralized) The key to success is innovation. And centralization and decentralization-two structural dimensions of the firm affect this innovation. The degree is to which decision-making authority is kept at top levels of management is known as centralization. And the degree to which -decision-making authority is pushed down to lower levels of the firm is known as decentralization. There is a dispute regarding which is better among the two. There can be two types of centralization and decentralization -geographical and the hierarchy among the employees. In the case of the geographical centralization, an organization can have just one headquarter and vice versa in the case of decentralization. The other type would be when the authority and decision making sessions are involved. The centralization or decentralization of an organization depends on factors such as type of industry etc. In the case of centralized organization, the hierarchy is strictly maintained and power is held by the top executiv es and the headquarters. In decentralized organizations, the power all including various outlets and lower level managers. Tesco, the super market chain, where each store has a manager who take important decisions regarding the store, and is responsible to the regional manager is an example of decentralized organization Recommendation: The firm should have a Communication consultant who will help to assess the situation. This in turn will help the business to be as productive as possible. The communication assessment helps to figure out the faults through an external source and tries to solve them and provide better business structure and design. P4. Features of radical Changes Merger Acquisition: During the early 1980s Factory automation became a major activity. Calma and Intersil were acquired by GE and were essential to this program. To manufacture and market Hitachis industrial robots in the United States, GE also entered into an agreement with the Japanese, company. In order to robotize its locomotive plant in Eric, Pennsylvanian, and GE spent $300 million by itself. GEs aircraft engine business also participated in an air-force plant-modernization program two years later. The controversial B-1B bomber engines were also manufactured by GE. Restructuring: The six sigma was adopted by GE in the late 1990s under Welchs leadership, a Motorola, Inc. and Alliged Signal Inc pioneered quality control and improvement initiative. Costs were cut by reducing errors or defects through this program. The six sigma was claimed to yield $1 billion in annual saving by 1998. Restructuring continued within the company including a $2.3 billion charge in late 1997, which led to the closure of redundant facilities to shift to cheaper labour market production. Reconfiguring the business portfolio: Welch wanted GE to be identified as a broadly diversified corporation. Buthe was also aware that GEs business portfolio should at first focus on a limited number of sectors which will be potentially attractive for growth and profitability. In his initial says, Welch confessed about his interest in dealing with the top companies in the global market. He highlighted GEs resources on its best opportunities: the consumer electronic business, mining interests ( notably Utah International), small household appliances division, semiconductors, and radio stations were sold off by Welch. And GE acquired small companies. the bigger ones includes RCA, NBC, Kidder Peabody, CGR etc. GE made over a hundred acquisitions with financial services being the largest sector acquired. Charging the structure: One major factor which contributed to the transformed product-market face of GE and the consequent increase in growth was the changes in the business portfolio. Along with it, revitalizing the management systems and management style was required to generate ambition. This also led to a changed structure of GE. Several layers of management and large numbers of administrative positions were eliminated under Welchs supervision of special importance is the disbanding of GEs sectors, which resulted in the direct reporting by 13 business leaders to the CEO. The CEOs office expanded to include a corporate Executive council to facilitate GEs senior corporate officers and business level chiefs. Changing management systems and processes: A more flexible and responsive corporation resulted from the changes in GEs structure. GEs highly developed management systems were also required to be changed, specially the much popular strategic planning system. A less formal and more personal process substituted the staff-led, document driven process though the framework of an annual planning cycle was retained. Modify human resource management: The development of management talent contributed GEs long-term development and performance. Welch retained GEs well-developed management appraisal system and development. He thought that greater flourishing of managerial talent could be achieved by vesting managers with greater profit and loss responsibility early in their career. And better incentives were required to encourage risk taking and higher levels of performance aspiration. The bonus system was redesigned to reach into the middle of middle management. There were stark discrimination on the bonuses. Corporate Initiative: Periodic new corporate initiative as mechanisms to drive particular aspects of companywide performance was used by Welch. About every two year Welch would announce a major new initiative designed to energize the company and drive its performance in a particular direction, while strategic planning, financial control and human resource management provided the basic systems for managing GE. This initiative would be absorbed into the ongoing management systems of GE over time. Work out: The no-holds-barred discussion sessions that Welch held with different managers groups at GEs Management Development Institute at crotonville, New York, gave birth to the idea of GEs work-out process. Because work-out has a practical and an intellectual goal, it could achieve fundamental changes in management the riddance of several bad hobbits during all this twice being the objective. The second objective is intellectual, which puts the leaders of all businessing front of 100 or so, if their people, to let them know what they think. This is done 8-10 times a year. They will get to know more, about their business- feelings, opinions, resentments etc. Its about re-defining the leader-subordinate relationship. This helps form all kinds of dynamics, source go and hide, and others emerge successful. The Boundary less Organization: Though Welch reacted strongly to GEs is depicted as a conglomerate, it did GE good, for the utilization of its products and geographical diversity for the betterment of performance led to GEs growth and expansion. Globalization: GEs global responsibilities included exploiting international growth opportunities and the advantages of global reach. This was done through exploiting increased learning opportunities and global that affected particular countries could be handled properly because of global diversity. Also the advantages of such downturns were well-used. Six Sigma: This program dominated corporate initiative and primary driver of organizational change and performance movement during 1998 to 2000. Soul transferring cultural initiative- such was it called by Welch. Motorola inspired the methodology of measuring , analyzing, defining, improving and thus controlling every process that lead to the customer so that the defects reduced to 3.4 per million. P5. Evaluation of the Change Merger and acquisition: Several importance purchases were made by GE in the year 1986, including the $ 6.4 billion purchase of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA), the largest for the company till that date. Interestingly, GE in 1919 had helped to found the company. GE/s broadcasting business was brought into full force by RCAs National Broadcasting company (NBC) , the leading television network. This RCA GE match was considered beneficial by the company though both the companies were heavily involved into consumer electronics. This success had been possible because GE had been shifting into service and high technology from manufacturing compared to the50 percent 6 year before almost 80 percent of GEs earnings came from services and high technology, after the merger. GEs labs made RCAs famous David Saran off Research Centre quite redundant and divested itself of it. RCAs television manufacturing business was sold to a French company Thomson in 1987. Thomsons medical diagnostics b usiness was taken up by GE instead. And to complete 130 European acquisitions, GE spent $ 30 billion during the 1990s. Restructuring:- e-business was chosen by GE for further growth of the company in 1999. GE cautiously reacted to the Interact explosion in the 1990s. Though it was thought that the Honeywell deal would serve as a capstone for Welchs much admired leadership it ended sourly. Because of the11th hour negotiations between the European regulator and GE executives were broken down, the European commission had to block the deal on antitrust grounds on 2001. Restructing: The Headquarters and the interiors of the business experienced further elimantions. Decisions were taken by the operating units which could have four layers in the hierarchy. Welch was named Neutron Jack for his administrative costs and ruthless attacks on bureaucracy. It was so severe, that many people had to leave. Human Resource modification: Because of the restricting, fewer people were left, and the 10 to 15 percent bonus was substituted by 30 to 40 percent bonus. Also, much wider range of managerial and technical employees received stock options instead of just the top echelon of management. The number of stock options receiving employees increased to 22,000 by the end of 1995, from a 400 in early 1980s and Welch said the stock compensation which was based on total GE performance salary or bonus associated with the performance of individual business or unit then. This enables a harmonious relationship between the interests of the individual, the company, and the share owner behind the powerful on company results. Workout: the interaction between people will create the scope for rewarding and more fulfilling jobs for it is when they meet and talk, opportunities broaden. The quality of work life too is bound to improve. Work out concentrated on eliminating bureaucratic practices, at first but with time it evolved to the analysis and redesigning of complex cross-functional processes-involving customers, suppliers and Ge employees. Sig Sigma: It became an unprecendents fervor across an unprecendentant broad front at GE. 100000 people were trained in sciences and methodology in four years, GE reported by 2001,- six sigma was their way of working, speaking a common language of DMOS (defects per million opportunities), Needs Assessment Maps, CTQS (critical to quality) , FMEAs (Failure, mode effect analysis) etc. GE gained as lot in performance and it moved the rank from reduced waste and lower operating costs to improved, financial management and faster customer service. P6. Model of Planned change: The action research model, contemporary adaptations to the action research model, and Lewins change are the three theories which tells about the process of planned change in the organization. It showcases the four basic principles that is to be carried out by the practitioners and organization members. It can be drawn into a diagram, a flowchart , depicting the series of actions and its consequences-events from entering and contracting, to planning and working out the change, to evaluating and institutionalizing change. It is not a simple linear flowchart, but is constructed of overlaps and cycles among the activities. Unfreez, change, freez: Infreez, change, freez (or Refreez) is a three stage theory of change designed by Kurte Lewin . Though the three stages can be complicate it is not required , for it works fine even when simple. But the simplicity has been criticized. And though it has been change considerably since 1947, it is still relevant. This model has helped the formation of many others model as well. The three stages, i.e. unfreezing, change and Freezing are explained in the following paragraphs:- Stage 1. Unfreezing:- The first stage is the most important and should be understood very well. It creates the ground for the change. It creates awareness about the change and prepares the organization for it. Making it come out of the comfort zone. Under Welch this first stage contributing the organization, using lessens, delaying the organization etc. He actually merged and used acquisition, using the six sigma to bring about this change Stage -2- Change-or Transition Kurt Lewin knows that change is a process, not event and called it transition. This journey also involves our reaction to the change. In the second stage the changes actually occur. He used merger and acquisition changing management system and process to help the change happen. This involved restructuring, reengineering and changing the HR to bring out the best within. He also made use of devices like work out globalization, boundary less organization, and six sigma. Stage 3. Freezing It is variably called the Refreezing. It is about stabilizing the situation after the changes. It is about making people aware and comfortable about the new norms, routines. It can be time consuming. GE achieved huge success through this method and was ranked 10 in the SFORTUNE 500 magazine. P7. Implementation Procedure Communication Communication is the most important and required process to let the employees know about the consequences of not adopting to the change and the benefits that the post change time will reap. Objectives, coverage, timing, costs; individual and organizational implications and change methods should be communicated. Educated and Training Education and Training is required to teach the employees who may not have the desired environmental, functional, financial, organizational, technical, strategic and behavioral knowledge or skills. Participation and Involvement Participation of the concerned people is absolutely necessary right from the beginning. This also helps to generate a sense of responsibility, ownership. Facilitation and Support Skilled facilitators implement the change initiatives. Proposals and issues since resolution of conflict team building and development of a conducive change climate are surfaced through them. Negotiation Some valuable things are needed to be exchanged for reducing the resistence among the employees, so the change agent has to negotiate. This is particularly interesting in the case of resistance from powerful employees. Tongue battle, supportive facilitator and cognitive Reasoned are the three styles of Negotiation. Implicit and Explicit: Direct threats or force is applied on those who strongly resist lent this method works only in a crisis situation, otherwise it is quite redundant. Contingency plan for GE A contingency plan can be made when eligible CEO candidates who cannot be fully located or trained by the hand once deadline, and through this Welch could extend the tenure. The person can be employed as an unofficial consultant, even though the government mandated retirement age is reached by 2011. The company would be benefited with adequate breathing room. The chances of the creation of dangerous powerful acumms during the change or transition from old tonew CEO can also be avoided.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Hester Prynne :: essays research papers
In Nathaniel Hawthorneââ¬â¢s The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne lives in seclusion with her daughter Pearl. Hester has been shunned from Puritan society and now lives in the shelter of the wilderness. The clear contrast between Puritan society and life in the wilderness intensify the all too similar fight between light and darkness and ultimately can lead to the truth. à à à à à Puritan society, ruled by a set of strict rules, is essentially in the dark and can not itself see the light. Many of the leaders of Boston are themselves breaking the rigid Puritanical laws. Governor Bellingham lives in a mansion whose ââ¬Å" brilliancy might have befitted Aladdinââ¬â¢s palace, rather then the mansion of a grave old Puritan ruler.â⬠(pg. 98) Bellinghamââ¬â¢s extravagant house shows the hypocrisy of the Puritans. They seek to punish those, like Hester, who break the laws of Puritan society but at the same time they too violate their own laws. The Puritans can not see the faults within themselves. Puritan society is seen as a place where ââ¬Å"iniquity is searched out, and punished in the sight of rulers and people.â⬠(pg. 58) The Puritans pride themselves on the uniform goodness of their town and their ways of dealing with sinful dissenters. Hesterââ¬â¢s public appearance is seen as a blessing on the ââ¬Å"righteous Colony of Massachusetts.â⬠(pg. 50) The Puritans see their society as picturesque and proper. To them it is in essence the light shining bright in the darkness. An accurate comparison to this view would be the Garden of Eden of Adam and Eve. The Puritans see themselves as the perfect humans within the garden. Those people who, like Adam and Eve, become sinful ââ¬Å"must be scourged out of the townâ⬠and then ââ¬Å"driven with stripes into the shadows of the forest.â⬠(pg. 46) Citizens not fit to live in the ââ¬Å"paradiseâ⬠of Boston were cast out into the shadow of the forest. Yet it is in the forest that Hester is actually in the light and can see for herself, the truth. à à à à à Living in the wilderness, Hester Prynne is able to see the light of truth, as none in Puritan society can. The Puritans have punished Hester for her sin and she is now free to go where she pleases, yet she decides to stay in Boston. The woods are a haven for Hester and yet they are also a showcase for her sin.
Community Agriculture Development and Jobs Act: A Proposed Solution to
Community Agriculture Development and Jobs Act: A Proposed Solution to Food Deserts ââ¬Å"There can be no sustainable world without sustainable cities.â⬠(Deelstra, 2000) This applies to many aspects of a city, but what is more important than the topic of fresh food? Sustainable foods will be the foundation of the wellbeing of a community. We not only need these nutrients to support our bodies every day, but it also supports the wellbeing of a society. So why are we ignorant to how many cities are lacking fresh food? The high concentration of food deserts in the United States has gone unnoticed, especially in Detroit, Michigan. In the city of Detroit, researchers have developed concern and acknowledged the lack of fresh food available since 1997 (National Research Council). Since then, they have found that highly concentrated poverty stricken areas are receiving inadequate help from the government via food stamp programs and city food policy and distribution. Our agricultural system parallels the ââ¬Å"mono-cropsâ⬠we grow. ââ¬Å"American farm policy a nd corporate mergers have created powerful agribusiness giants with dominant market sharesââ¬âcorporations that control virtually every of segment of the industrial food system.â⬠(food and farm bill, 2012). Similar to the dominant monocrops that are limiting the diversity of species and crops grown in the U.S., our conventional way of farming has outcompeted all other food growing techniques even though it is unsustainable. Since we have realized that one systematic way of feeding the nation is not working, we must establish a variety of growing systems that accommodate the diverse and multifarious forms of societies and communities by geographic location. Detroit, Michigan is considered one of th... ...Health in Detroit." Marie Gallagher Research and Consulting Group,2007. Web. Accessed May 10, 2012. 10 May 2012. Gallagher, John. "Acres of barren blocks offer chance to reinvent Detroit." City Farmer News 15 Dec. 2008 Detroit Free PressWeb. 3 Jun. 2012. Academic Search Complete. Martin, Michel. "Detroit Truck Responds To City's Food Desert Crisis." National Public Radioà ® 2 Nov. 2010 NewsWeb. 9 Apr. 2012. NPR. Wilgoren, Jodi. "Detroit Urban Renewal Without the Renewal." The New York Times (2002): 1-3. Web. 3 Jun. 2012. Google Scholar.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Representation in ââ¬ÅTo kill a mockingbirdââ¬Â Essay
Mockingbird: The mockingbird represents innocence. Like hunters who kill mockingbirds for sport, people kill innocence, or other people who are innocent, without thinking about what they are doing. Atticus stands firm in his defense of innocence and urges his children not to shoot mockingbirds both literally and figuratively. The mockingbird motif arises four times during To Kill a Mockingbird. First, when Atticus gives Jem and Scout air guns for Christmas and instructs them not to kill mockingbirds. Second, when B.B. Underwood writes about Tom Robinsonââ¬â¢s death in his column. Third, a mockingbird sings right before Bob Ewell attacks Jem and Scout. Finally, Scout agrees with Atticus that prosecuting Boo for Ewellââ¬â¢s murder would be like killing a mockingbird. Atticus: Father of Jem and Scout, Atticus Finch sits on the Alabama State Legislature and acts as Maycombââ¬â¢s leading attorney. The epitome of moral character, Atticus teaches his children and his community how to stand up for oneââ¬â¢s beliefs in the face of prejudice and ignorance by defending a black man, Tom Robinson, wrongfully accused of raping a white woman. Having lost his wife when Scout was two years old, Atticus devotes himself to his children despite criticism from family and neighbors who think his children lack discipline and proper guidance. Atticus stands as one of literatureââ¬â¢s strongest and most positive father figures. As one of the most prominent citizens in Maycomb during the Great Depression, Atticus is relatively well off in a time of widespread poverty. Because of his penetrating intelligence, calm wisdom, and exemplary behavior, Atticus is respected by everyone, including the very poor. He functions as the moral backbone of Maycomb, a person to whom others turn in times of doubt and trouble. But the conscience that makes him so admirable ultimately causes his falling out with the people of Maycomb. Unable to abide the townââ¬â¢s comfortable ingrained racial prejudice, he agrees to defend Tom Robinson, a black man. Atticusââ¬â¢s action makes him the object of scorn in Maycomb, but he is simply too impressive a figure to be scorned for long. After the trial, he seems destined to be held in the same high regard as before. Atticus practices the ethic of sympathy and understanding that he preaches to Scout and Jem and never holds a grudge against the people of Maycomb. Despite their callous indifference to racial inequality, Atticus sees much to admire in them. Heà recognizes that people have both good and bad qualities, and he is determined to admire the good while understanding and forgiving the bad. Atticus passes this great moral lesson on to Scoutââ¬âthis perspective protects the innocent from being destroyed by contact with evil. Ironically, though Atticus is a heroic figure in the novel and a respected man in Maycomb, neither Jem nor Scout consciously idolizes him at the beginning of the novel. Both are embarrassed that he is older than other fathers and that he doesnââ¬â¢t hunt or fish. But Atticusââ¬â¢s wise parenting, which he sums up in Chapter 30 by saying, ââ¬Å"Before Jem looks at anyone else he looks at me, and Iââ¬â¢ve tried to live so I can look squarely back at him,â⬠ultimately wins their respect. By the end of the novel, Jem, in particular, is fiercely devoted to Atticus (Scout, still a little girl, loves him uncritically). Though his childrenââ¬â¢s attitude toward him evolves, Atticus is characte rized throughout the book by his absolute consistency. He stands rigidly committed to justice and thoughtfully willing to view matters from the perspectives of others. He does not develop in the novel but retains these qualities in equal measure, making him the novelââ¬â¢s moral guide and voice of conscience. atticusââ¬â¢s wisdom, Scout learns that though humanity has a great capacity for evil, it also has a great capacity for good, and that the evil can often be mitigated if one approaches others with an outlook of sympathy and understanding. Atticus Finch ââ¬â Scout and Jemââ¬â¢s father, a lawyer in Maycomb descended from an old local family. A widower with a dry sense of humor, Atticus has instilled in his children his strong sense of morality and justice. He is one of the few residents of Maycomb committed to racial equality. When he agrees to defend Tom Robinson, a black man charged with raping a white woman, he exposes himself and his family to the anger of the white community. With his strongly held convictions, wisdom, and empathy, Atticus functions as the novelââ¬â¢s moral backbone. The father of Scout and Jem, Atticus is a lawyer and an extremely morally upright man who strives to deal with everyone fairly. Atticus is sometimes overly optimistic, but his unshakable hope in mankind and self-created role as the town ââ¬Ëdo-gooderââ¬â¢ sustain him. Atticusââ¬â¢ wife died when Scout was very small, and he has raised his children only with the assistance of Calpurnia, his black housekeeper and cook. Quotation: I remember when my daddy gave me that gun. He told me that I should never point it at anything in the house; and that heââ¬â¢d rather Iââ¬â¢d shoot at tin cans in the backyard. But he said that sooner or later he supposed the temptation to go after birds would be too much, and that I could shoot all the blue jays I wanted ââ¬â if I could hit ââ¬â¢em; but to remember it was a sin to kill a mockingbird. Well, I reckon because mockingbirds donââ¬â¢t do anything but make music for us to enjoy. They donââ¬â¢t eat peopleââ¬â¢s gardens, donââ¬â¢t nest in the corncrib, they donââ¬â¢t do one thing but just sing their hearts out for us. Atticusââ¬â¢s advice to Scout deals with his philosophy about tolerance, and how if you try and put yourself in another personââ¬â¢s place, one might better understand their reasoning. The title of To Kill a Mockingbird has very little literal connection to the plot, but it carries a great deal of symbolic weight in the book. In this story of innocents destroyed by evil, the ââ¬Å"mockingbirdâ⬠comes to represent the idea of innocence. Thus, to kill a mockingbird is to destroy innocence. Throughout the book, a number of characters (Jem, Tom Robinson, Dill, Boo Radley, Mr. Raymond) can be identified as mockingbirdsââ¬âinnocents who have been injured or destroyed through contact with evil. This connection between the novelââ¬â¢s title and its main theme is made explicit several times in the novel: after Tom Robinson is shot, Mr. Underwood compares his death to ââ¬Å"the senseless slaughter of songbirds,â⬠and at the end of the book Scout thinks that hurting Boo Radley would be like ââ¬Å"shootinââ¬â¢ a mockingbird.â⬠Most important, Miss Maudie explains to Scout: ââ¬Å"Mockingbirds donââ¬â¢t do one thing but . . . sing their hearts out for us. Thatââ¬â¢s why itââ¬â¢s a sin to kill a mockingbird.â⬠That Jem and Scoutââ¬â¢s last name is Finch (another type of small bird) indicates that they are particularly vulnerable in the racist world of Maycomb, which often treats the fragile innocence of childhood harshly. His stern but fair attitude toward Jem and Scout reaches into the courtroom as well. He politely proves that Bob Ewell is a liar; he respectfully questions Mayella about her role in Tomââ¬â¢s crisis. One of the things that his longtime friend Miss Maudie admires about him is that ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËAtticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets.'â⬠The only time he seriously lectures his children is on the evils of taking advantage of those less fortunate or less educated, aà philosophy he carries into the animal world by his refusal to hunt. And although most of the town readily pins the label ââ¬Å"trashâ⬠on other people, Atticus reserves that distinction for those people who unfairly exploit others. Atticus believes in justice and the justice system. He doesnââ¬â¢t like criminal law, yet he accepts the appointment to Tom Robinsonââ¬â¢s case. He knows before he begins that heââ¬â¢s going to lose this case, but that doesnââ¬â¢t stop him from giving Tom the strongest defense he possibly can. And, importantly, Atticus doesnââ¬â¢t put so much effort into Tomââ¬â¢s case because heââ¬â¢s an African American, but because he is innocent. Atticus feels that the justice system should be color blind, and he defends Tom as an innocent man, not a man of color. Our first-person narrator is Scout Finch, who is five when the story begins and eight when it ends. From the first chapter, though, itââ¬â¢s clear that Scout is remembering and narrating these events much later ââ¬â after all, the second paragraph of the novel begins, ââ¬Å"When enough years had gone by to enable us to look back on them, we sometimes discussed the events leading to [Jemââ¬â¢s] accidentâ⠬ (1.2). For the most part, Scout recounts the events from her childhood perspective, as she understood them at the time, rather than imposing an adult commentary. This makes the narrative perspective a naà ¯ve one: often we get descriptions of events just as she experiences them, without commentary on what they mean, or a commentary that is humorously innocent. But having the adult perspective be there in the background, even if it isnââ¬â¢t in play for most of the narration, means it can pop out when itââ¬â¢s needed to point out important things that the narrator realizes only later, to make sure that the reader sees them too. The strongest element of style is Leeââ¬â¢s talent for narration, called ââ¬Å"tactile brillianceâ⬠. ââ¬Å"Harper Lee has a remarkable gift of story-telling. Her art is visual, and with cinematographic fluidity and subtlety we see a scene melting into another scene without jolts of transition. Lee combines the narratorââ¬â¢s voice of a child observing her surroundings with a grown womanââ¬â¢s reflecting on her childhood, using the ambiguity of this voice combined withà the narrative technique of flashback to play intricately with perspectives. This narrative method allows Lee to tell a ââ¬Å"delightfully deceptiveâ⬠story that mixes the simplicity of childhood observation with adult situations complicated by hidden motivations and unquestioned tradition. However, at times the blending causes reviewers to question Scoutââ¬â¢s preternatural vocabulary and depth of understanding. Lee uses parody, satire, and irony effectively by using a childââ¬â¢s perspective. After Dill promises to marry her, then spends too much time with Jem, Scout reasons the best way to get him to pay attention to her is to beat him up, which she does several times. Scoutââ¬â¢s first day in school is a satirical treatment of education; her teacher says she must undo the damage Atticus has wrought in teaching her to read and write, and forbids Atticus from teaching her further. Lee treats the most unfunny situations with irony, however, as Jem and Scout try to understand how Maycomb embraces racism and still tries sincerely to remain a decent society. Satire and irony are used to such an extent. Scout narrates the story herself, looking back in retrospect an unspecified number of years after the events of the novel take place. POINT OF VIEW à · Scout narrates in the first person, telling what she saw and heard at the time and augmenting this narration with thoughts and assessments of her experiences in retrospect. Although she is by no means an omniscient narrator, she has matured considerably over the intervening years and often implicitly and humorously comments on the naà ¯vetà © she displayed in her thoughts and actions as a young girl. Scout mostly tells of her own thoughts but also devotes considerable time to recounting and analyzing Jemââ¬â¢s thoughts and actions. TONE à · Childlike, humorous, nostalgic, innocent; as the novel progresses, increasingly dark, foreboding, and critical of society MAJOR CONFLICT à · The childhood innocence with which Scout and Jem begin the novel is threatened by numerous incidents that expose the evil side of human nature, most notably the guilty verdict in Tom Robinsonââ¬â¢s trial and the vengefulness of Bob Ewell. As the novel progresses, Scout and Jem struggle to maintain faith in the human capacity for good in light of these recurring instances of human evil. RISING ACTION à · Scout, Jem, and Dill become fascinated with their mysterious neighbor Boo Radley and have an escalating series of encounters with him. Meanwhile, Atticus is assigned to defend a black man, Tom Robinson against the spurious rape charges Bob Ewell has brought against him. Watching the trial, Scout, and especially Jem, cannot understand how a jury could possibly convict Tom Robinson based on the Ewellsââ¬â¢ clearly fabricated story. CLIMAX à · Despite Atticusââ¬â¢s capable and impassioned defense, the jury finds Tom Robinson guilty. The verdict forces Scout and Jem to confront the fact that the morals Atticus has taught them cannot always be reconciled with the reality of the world and the evils of human nature. FALLING ACTION à · When word spreads that Tom Robinson has been shot while trying to escape from prison, Jem struggles to come to terms with the injustice of the trial and of Tom Robinsonââ¬â¢s fate. After making a variety of threats against Atticus and others connected with the trial, Bob Ewell assaults Scout and Jem as they walk home one night, but Boo Radley saves the children and fatally stabs Ewell. The sheriff, knowing that Boo, like Tom Robinson, would be misunderstood and likely convicted in a trial, protects Boo by saying that Ewell tripped and fell on his own knife. After sitting and talking with Scout briefly, Boo retreats into his house, and Scout never sees him again.
Ama, Learning
In this essay, the learning cure theory will be discussed, and also applying to L+H fashion limited (L+H) which will benefit by using the learning curve. In the last section, the limitation of learning curve will also be discussed. Part A (i) Introduction for learning curve theory Learning curve is a concept that measuring the experience of a skill gained by an organization, and how fast it can be master. As the experience gained, the workers performance will be improve, time taken will be decrease, and therefore the productivity will grow up.Also, according to Steven (2010), learning curve is a significant technique for management to predict the time needed for the future task (p. 1). It can also be useful for the several areas, for instance, making a pricing or budgeting decision, estimate the wages cost and planning schedule of work. In addition, learning curve is based on the task doing by human and must be in repetition. And Steven (2010) point out that the learning curve doesnà ¢â¬â¢t help to reduce cost, it only occurs when the management take action. Introduction for the organizationIn the following section, the learning curve theory will be apply to L+H Fashion Limited (L+H), they are manufacturing of knitwear which is 100% hand made and also made in Hong Kong, from design, product development, knitting, linking, stitching, labeling to packaging. (ii) Introduction First of all, the learning curve can be applied in L+H since there are many procedures is doing by human and those procedures will unchanged because of L+H is only produce the knitwear, also those procedure are in repetition. Such as stitching, the workers have to stitch up those parts of the knitwear by hand.In this situation, the learning curve can be apply, because if the worker stitching the first knitwear, it will spend more time to find out the way. Move to the second one, the worker will more confidence and faster to stitch it, in repetition the task, the worker can be more efficiency . Furthermore, since they would like to be a high fashion brand in Hong Kong, and providing high quality knitwear to the other high fashion brand, so they are now considering should they accept the new contract, build up their own brand or both.The learning curve can be use to helping them to consider the budgeting, pricing, detecting the design bugs, future operation decisions and determine the human resourse. Budgeting In this case, if the learning affects taken into L+H, it is easily for them to evaluate the rate of learning and the time reduction. It can provide a reliable standard to measuring the actual performance of the product line. Therefore, the management can obtain the most near information, giving them a forecast of revenues and expenditures. Thus, they can evaluate their performance, and control the waste from error, setting the budgeted goal.Beside the goals set by the learning effect is more motivation for the workers. Such as production budgeting, they can estimate the production unit to meet the budgeted goal. Since they would like to provide the knitwear to the new contract, they can forecast the cost, human resources and material need for the new contract. They should use learning curve, because the simple analysis will ignored the learning effect, so that the performance may underestimate. It can also help to set a standard for guiding the workers, use to ake sure the quality of knitwear, control the cost and to establish the bonus plan. So that the management can confirm the knitwear having a high quality to fulfill their goal that being a high fashion brand. They can also estimate the product cost, since the cost is foremost element for pricing decision To conclude, it can help L + H for budgeting, since it can give them a accuracy forecasting, to let them set up a budgeted goal to motivate the workers, to measure their performance more exact, and the management can use to set out a guide to standard the task. PricingIt can help in pric ing strategic. Since the learning curve can be determine the cost, manpower for the task and predict time of the whole project. For instance, the procedures of knitwear are made by the workers, so that the labor costs become significant factor. They can foresee how much for the labor cost before they accept the contract. Also the material cost. In addition, when the production increase and the cost will be drop down, they can sell the knitwear at a lower price, and attracting the new customers choosing L+H and to gain the market share at the high fashion cycle.So that they can produce more knitwear and the cost will be further decrease. To summaries of the pricing, it is helpful for them to making price decision, use to having a lower price which is attracting the new customers. Decision making ââ¬â future operational Thirdly, it can help management to making decision for future operation by using the data provide by learning effect. L+H can consider should they provide the knit wear to the other brand or build up their own brand. Because the resources are limited, they can find out the most profitable future operation decision.In additional, they can also consider should they provide training course to the worker, to make the procedure become more efficient. Furthermore, they can plan to make advertising or giving discount to the customer, because they become more efficient and the cost will be deduced, so that they can have more budgets. And this action can make them become more famous and attract the new customers. In concluding of this part, it is useful for them to find out the business orientation which is most benefit for them, and the future action should be making. Detected the designed bugsMoreover, they can find out the designed bugs and correct it immediate. Since the L + H will do the task repetition, so that there are more product produce with the same equipment. The designer can seek out the insufficient of the design of knitwear. It is help to devolve their product and make it more perfect. Moreover, it can help to reduce the waste of error and also to reduce the labor hours since they can find out which part is wasting resources and to redesign the knitwear. Thus, they can know how to use the lower cost to make the better knitwear.To sum up, since the designed bugs can be detected, they can prevent the waste of material, time and the labor hours. Also it can used to improve their product. Determining human resourses For determining the human resourses, as L+H become more efficient, the management can reassign the manpower, eliminate the unnecessary task or recruit additional worker. So that they can ensure the contract can be finish on time and the quality wonââ¬â¢t be affect even they have to produce more knitwear. At the same time, the human resourses can be use in the best way.It can also help to plan the schedule of work to hit the production target, and forecast of the date of delivery. A round up of this part , the human resourse can be reallocate, and it is useful for cost saving. Part B Limitations Firstly, there is an assumption of learning curve that the production must be continues less of significant impediment. In case of the impediment occur the learning curve will be change. For example, when the entity employed a new worker to participate the activity, because of the learning curve performed by the experienced staff, the new worker will not be subject to learning curve.Secondly, any change of the learning environment such as design, the supply level and quality of materials, employeeââ¬â¢s morale and people attribution, will affect the learning curve. For instance, the upgrade of facilities may affect the knowledge of the worker, their productivity may drop down, so the learning curve may obsolete. Also, since learning curve is based on the time of producing, nevertheless it is hardly to ensure the real data obtain for the calculation, so that the management expectation may be wrong.The company culture may also influence the learning curve, such as the bonus for workers, working hours per day. For example, the worker zeal of the task will decrease when the job nearly end, it will make the curve drop down. In additional, difference people having difference absorptive capacity, so that the time of finishing task will be difference. Lack of consistence is fail to meeting target which is decision by learning curve theory. Last but not least, the learning curve need the task is in repetition, if the task is not repetitive the learning curve cannot be applied. ConclusionTo conclude of the whole essay, the learning curve is a tool for management making decision and to become more efficiency to reach the goal. Also, the learning curve can be use in many ways. In part A (ii), discussed in the application of learning curve in L+H, they can use it for budgeting ââ¬â helping them to set out the company goal and guidance, pricing ââ¬â to having a lower pric e to increase their price competitiveness, decision making ââ¬â to decide the most profitable general direction, detect the design error ââ¬â to make the design become more perfect and determine the human resourse ââ¬â to use the manpower most efficient.So that they can seek out the best way to continues their business. In the next part, the limitations of learning curve are discussed. There are six limitations have been probe, the learning curve is lack of continuity, there shouldnââ¬â¢t have any change of learning environment, the difficulty of obtaining the information, the company culture, human learning ability and the repetition of task. Reference List 1. Steven, Grahame, (1999) ââ¬ËThe learning curve: from aircraft to spacecraft? Management Accounting, May 1999 2. http://secure. gslb. cimaglobal. com/Documents/ImportedDocuments/ma_may_99_p64-65. pdf [assessed 01. 11. 2012] 3. Steven, Grahame, (2010) ââ¬ËThe learning curve: The key to future management? â â¬â¢ Research executive summary series, 6(12) 4. Steven, Grahame, (2004b) ââ¬ËSteep in historyââ¬â¢ CIMA Insider, Jul/Aug. , pp. 23-24 5. Steven, Grahame, (2004a) ââ¬ËA minor departureââ¬â¢ CIMA Insider, Sep. , pp. 24 6. L+H Fashion Limited http://www. lplush. com/LplusH. html [assessed 01. 11. 2012]
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